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"Rebhi Allan "Reasons that led to the increase in gold prices

The president of Jordanian Jewelers' Syndicate Mr. Rebhi Allan has publicly stated that the geopolitical atmosphere in the region and the discontinuation of negotiations in the Gaza War for America is one of the reasons that led to the increase in gold prices. "The reasons behind the rise of gold in the world are more than the reasons for its reduction," Alan said in statements to Soraya today, Saturday, that there are other tensions that affected the European Union and the US economy, such as the Russian-Ukrainian War. He pointed out that the fog still exists in the statements issued by the US Federal Bank on postponing the interest reduction on the dollar. It is noteworthy that gold prices in Jordan, Saturday, rose eight consecutive days after their stability, according to the daily prices issued by the Jordanian Jewelers' Syndicate, and according to prices, the selling price of one gram increased from 21 carats, the most in demand in markets from jewelers at JOD 42.2, and purchases from citizens at JOD 40.5. The selling price of grams increased from 24 carat at 49.4 dinars and the purchase at 46.6 dinars. The selling and buying price of grams from 18 carat increased at 37.7 dinars and 34.7 dinars.

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